5 Data Backup Best Practices For 2020 And Beyond - emediaposts


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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

5 Data Backup Best Practices For 2020 And Beyond

As the world enters into a new decade, data backup, a service that you can get from the foremost providers of managed IT services in Shepparton Australia, is surely more crucial than ever before. There are varying reasons why data loss can occur: system or hardware malfunction, malware/viruses, natural disasters, or even human error. Any among these reasons can end up devastating any business, thus you must ensure that you have a powerful data backup strategy. Safeguard your business or company in 2020 and beyond with the following data backup best practices.

1. Utilise offsite storage
Offsite storage could be a physical server that is in another location or cloud-based. It safeguards your data if your central server becomes compromised in any way. A natural disaster (such as the hurricanes that are sometimes experienced in varying parts of the world) could end up destroying a server, you have on-site, thus bringing about the massive loss of data which, then gets your business or company truly devastated.

2. Adhere to the 3-2-1 rule
Using remote storage is only one among the components of the 3-2-1 rule. The rules say that you should keep varying copies of your crucial data on two varying mediums/devices and one offsite storage solution. A perfect example of data that is backed up by the rule could be a business having the main server in its headquarters, a backup on a NAS drive, and a cloud backup with one of the foremost providers of IT solutions in Shepparton Australia. This helps to ensure that your data features backup irrespective of what might occur.

3. Back your data up regularly
If you aren’t backing your data up consistently, or you are doing it constantly, but infrequently, make it a priority to set up backups at regular intervals in 2020 and beyond. It’s recommended that you do a backup, at least, once every single week. Nevertheless, it is much preferable to back your data up every twenty-four hours. You can manually do backups or have them automatically set up to be done at certain intervals you choose.

4. Encrypt the backups
Having your backups encrypted adds layer of security and helps to make sure that everything will remain what you anticipate if you ever have a need to recover it. Your provider can help you to determine whether your backups are presently being encrypted, and if they aren’t, how best you can encrypt them.

5. Consider endpoints
Endpoints are tablets, phones, and PCs that your employees use in performing their duties. These devices also store data and if they are not particularly backed up, the data that’s on them will be lost should they fail, get stolen, or fail. Majority of data backup plans comprise that of individual devices. You might want to ensure that you have this put in place in 2020 and beyond.

Become serious about having your data completely secured in 2020 and beyond with the foremost providers of managed IT services in Shepparton Australia. With 24/7, all-year monitoring, after-hours availability, and truly extended support hours, you always remain certain that your business or company is in the best possible industry hands. 

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